The girls who say I never masturbate, well, did u get a shower? It is not intentional when you start to feel some pleasure rubbing your pussy, all of us masturbate in different ways. It is not a taboo anymore, so now I feel free to talk about my own experience.
My mother was so busy working during my childhood, and while I was teenager that she didn't take the time to explain us how to explore and take care of our own sexuality. I learn a lot of things from television, friends and exploring myself while I was teenager. I had a tv in my room, it was supposed my time for sleep was 9 pm, but I was awake late to see the tv shows of adults with the sound off. When I was 12 years I started humping pillows, arm chairs and I had pleasure doing it. At 14 years one guy asked me if I was virgin, I didn't understand the question and a female friend responded for me, she explain me what it means. My first kiss was at 15 years, so different the time when I grow up than the actual life of teenagers.
My mother was so busy working during my childhood, and while I was teenager that she didn't take the time to explain us how to explore and take care of our own sexuality. I learn a lot of things from television, friends and exploring myself while I was teenager. I had a tv in my room, it was supposed my time for sleep was 9 pm, but I was awake late to see the tv shows of adults with the sound off. When I was 12 years I started humping pillows, arm chairs and I had pleasure doing it. At 14 years one guy asked me if I was virgin, I didn't understand the question and a female friend responded for me, she explain me what it means. My first kiss was at 15 years, so different the time when I grow up than the actual life of teenagers.
I grow up in a religious country, in the school we were not having a class about sexuality, the government decide which classes we are going to see in school. I had a class of it the last two years of high school, it was between my 16-17 years, but the class was about reproductive system and planning methods. Don't judge me for learn all the sexuality information so late, I was not the good looking girl in the school. When I started my sexual life, I noticed I don't like when a guy do fingering to me, it hurt me. My opinion is not based from one guy, I don't feel pleasure when a guy touch my pussy with his fingers, probably there are another girls who doesn't like it either.
When I started camming is when I started using dildos and vibrators, I think the perfect dildo doesn't exist still. I try to buy a different one every time I can, but with diferent materials and textures. I saw when some dildos of different materials are together, some of them melt. How can something like that be safe to put inside your body?
I love vibrators, it is a complement with the dildo. There are plenty options for vibrators, the ohmybod, lelo and hitachi. I didn't try a sybian, I bet it is a strong vibration, well it looks like, I didn't see one in person. I know some guys love to see us just playing with dildos, but when I use a vibrator, it feels like when someone give you oral pleasure matching with penetration. The bad thing about it is, if I use it so much, I lost my sensibility. Like I am still looking for the perfect dildo, I do a combination of dildos to get the climax, starting with one soft and small, then I use the next size a little harder and at the end one glass dildo. The glass dildo doesn't give me the option to change position, because it is not flexible. If you are traveling, a pillow will be effective always!! :D
What is your favorite object?. Is there something I should try without hurt myself or getting an infection?
Good read.
ResponderBorrarEntiendo pero ¿por qué haces camming?
ResponderBorrarChris, no entiendo la pregunta. ¿Quieres decir que esta mal mi redacción y la palabra camming no existe, o quieres saber porque soy cam model?
BorrarGreat work, is very pleasant to read it ( thumps up)
ResponderBorrarThank you sista :)
BorrarVery good insight into your life A. I don't think your story is in anyway strange or unusual. In fact, I believe the way you learned about sex and your body is very typical of most people. It's a shame that most parents don't teach their kids about sex but such is life. You do what you like, and that's all that's important.
ResponderBorrarI do it and I am exploring still :)
Borrarnot only are you gracious in sharing on cam but also with your written word. thanx for having the courage to share!