The first member I met, travelled to Colombia since he comes here frequently and he invited me to get lunch. He was a regular in my chat room. During lunch he told me he's the owner of a studio of cam models in Colombia and when he noticed I was not interested in working for him, he stopped going to my chat room.
The second member I met, was a regular for years in my chat room. His interest was traveling to other countries and he wanted to meet local people before going to a country. It is a good idea to contact locals before going to a country because the locals know more about their country than a tourist. We met and he was nice to me and we continued to keep in contact. The second time he came to Colombia we traveled together and we went to explore a part of Colombia I never went before. He was here a lot of times, I saw him in his third trip to Colombia one night. We went to a club and I stayed only a couple of hours. When he was here the fourth time, he asked me for help to save money. He was in another city in my country and his plane from my city going back to his country was going to be two days later. I left him stay in my place for a couple of nights. We had some arguments and we never talked after that anymore.
The third and fourth member I met was from date raffles. I did the first date raffle with three other models. The person who won was not a regular of mine. I saw him but we didn't talk. I met the fourth member when I went to the caribbean with another model and we had a great time there. It was such a cool trip. We are still friends even though he's not coming to MFC much anymore, but we do keep in contact.
The fifth member I met, went to a convention in Colombia I was at as well. He was one of my first regulars. He doesn't come to my chat room now, but sometimes he enters to say hi. He has his own project and tries to contact models to work with him. He offered me to work for him, but I was there only a few days and I wanted to enjoy the place so work was not on my plans during that trip.
The sixth member I met, I love him, he knows it, and we are good friends. I went to another city in my country for a weekend. One night I went for a walk at night and I entered a restaurant. I was sitting outside, looking at the people crossing and walking around the neighborhood. I saw someone who looked like one of my regulars but I was not sure, so I went out and I stood in front of him waiting to see if he recognized me. He was there with a friend. Then two friends of mine that were found us and we went to party. It was a fun night.
The sixth member I met, I love him, he knows it, and we are good friends. I went to another city in my country for a weekend. One night I went for a walk at night and I entered a restaurant. I was sitting outside, looking at the people crossing and walking around the neighborhood. I saw someone who looked like one of my regulars but I was not sure, so I went out and I stood in front of him waiting to see if he recognized me. He was there with a friend. Then two friends of mine that were found us and we went to party. It was a fun night.
During my trips I saw a few more of my regulars. I never do a plan of a trip because I like to explore places and I prefer to not be influenced by blogs and guides. Sometimes my trips change completely and I go to places I was not expecting to go during my trip. I hope people can understand this. If I was in your city, or close to it and I didn't see you, it happens. One member who came to Colombia invited me to get lunch with him. I didn't want to go alone and I told him so. He got mad with me because I didn't accept going alone. I decide when I want to meet a person, it is not an obligation, don't feel bad if I don't or if I couldn't.
I want to continue traveling, but it is a risk to meet someone. You have to know someone enough to let him meet you, evil people exist too. There are emotions and expectations from both sides. It can be a wonderful moment between us or it could be a deception. I've had some of the best days of my life, days I will never forget. We are on the other side of the computer, we play a character on the internet. It doesn't show enough about how we really are. There are members I have never seen a picture off, I don't even know how they look.
I want to continue traveling, but it is a risk to meet someone. You have to know someone enough to let him meet you, evil people exist too. There are emotions and expectations from both sides. It can be a wonderful moment between us or it could be a deception. I've had some of the best days of my life, days I will never forget. We are on the other side of the computer, we play a character on the internet. It doesn't show enough about how we really are. There are members I have never seen a picture off, I don't even know how they look.
In January I went to AVN las vegas, I shared some time with two of my regulars, I met new people and it was a cool experience. Staying there one week was not enough, it was too short a time. It is a shame I couldn't spend more time with my friends.
I tried last mont to do a date raffle, it was the first time I did one alone. Meeting someone is a great experience, but I felt like I was so open to meet people without asking tokens for a date. Unfortunately, not many people participated on it. I had a goal, it was not something impossible but I didn't achieve it. I don't know if you understand my point, I don't want to be evil, I believe I am not, but I have to change the open option I had to meet people.
I tried last mont to do a date raffle, it was the first time I did one alone. Meeting someone is a great experience, but I felt like I was so open to meet people without asking tokens for a date. Unfortunately, not many people participated on it. I had a goal, it was not something impossible but I didn't achieve it. I don't know if you understand my point, I don't want to be evil, I believe I am not, but I have to change the open option I had to meet people.
Anyways, I had a cool time with the people I met, there are wonderful friends and I want to say thanks to all the people that are still interested in me. Thank you for all the love, company and friendship. I don't know if I will try to do another date raffle again, but for now it is the only way to meet me or see me again until I decide on another option.
What do you think about meeting a cam model or member? Are you afraid to meet? What do you expect when you meet her or him?
What do you think about meeting a cam model or member? Are you afraid to meet? What do you expect when you meet her or him?
Great read Ms Paprika. I understand the trepidation a model would feel when meeting someone in person. I don't believe that a member should put pressure on a model to meet them or feel slighted by a model if doesn't happen. I doubt if I'd ever travel to a different country with the expectations of meeting a model and things working out perfectly. From two sides of the internet we only know what people tell us of themselves, and we have no idea how much of that is true. I've been blessed to become friends with outstanding people who are models but I also realize that this is just one aspect of their lives.
ResponderBorrarI am happy I had the chance to get to know you :)
BorrarHola Paprika,
ResponderBorrarSoy Victor Merced (MrDPalmer)...
Me gustaria comentar sobre tu blog "When the Virtual crosses to Real".
Soy de la opinion de que para decidir conocerse con un usuario o una modelo, antes deberia haber habido mucha comunicacion y confianza establecida.
Para eso creo que el medio de Skype llega a ser muy bueno. En el pasado he comprado tiempo en Skype con una modelo, y he usado el tiempo para hablar con ella. Entiendo que en su sala podria hablar, pero tambien se que otros pediran acesso a su tiempo. Por eso, 10 minutos en Skype me mostrara si la modelo quiere y puede conversar. Creelo o no, han habido las que despues de 3 o 4 minutos estan ofreciendo un show sexual, pues solo hablar no es algo que puedan o desean hacer.
En esas conversaciones privadas se puede hacer muchas preguntas y ver y analizar las contestas. Las contestas diran mucho de como el usuario (o la modelo) piensa, sus gustos mas alla de lo publicado en su perfil, disposicion, amabilidad, etc. En el caso de un usuario: como se presenta ante la cam, sus alrededores, lo que dice y lo que no dice... todo da una vista previa, no total, de la persona.
Creo que el primer instinto que la mujer tiene es con el cual deberia dejarse llevar, hasta que tenga suficiente evidencia convincente para cambiar de opinion. Si algo no se siente bien con la conversacion con esa persona, hay algo mal. Alerta! No es por miedo, pero por cautela. Como escribistes, hay personas con motivos ocultos y malvados en este mundo.
Con varias conversaciones, se deberia saber cual es el intento de la persona, como se siente y que desea. Ningun usuario deberia esperar nada mas de una modelo, salvo buena conversacion. Y ninguna modelo deberia encontrarse con algun usuario esperando regalos.
Desafortunadamente hay muchos usuarios que todavia no han llegado al entendimiento de que por mas cosas que vean en la sala de una modelo, para muchas modelos esto es solo un trabajo, una pequena porcion de su vida. Ellos no entienden y no miran a la modelo como persona, sino como el objeto sexual que ven en la pagina/sala. Y ese siendo el caso, solo esperaran eso de ella.
No miento cuando digo que para algunos de nosotros, ustedes llegan a ser como estrellas de cine, pues las vemos todos los dias, conocemos lo que nos dejan saber, etc. Y cuando sabemos que estan cerca, solo nos encantaria decir que las conocimos. Cuando vi las fotos tuyas y las de tu hermana en sus visitas a NY, me dio envidia saber que estuvieron tan cerca a donde yo vivia, pero fue una oportunidad perdida poder verlas y sacarlas a platicar o almorzar.
Escribo mucho, y hablo aun mas...
Leere mas de tus blogs y comentare.
Por supuesto primero debe haber comunicación y confianza. Yo tengo Skype, vendo tiempo en el. Creo que deberías explicarle a una modelo que quieres ver o hacer en Skype antes de pagar por tiempo. Puedo decir que de las personas que tengo en Skype el 80 % solo tienen interés en un show sexual, por eso una modelo no sabe que hacer si no le explicas antes tu interés. La gente no demanda tiempo en mi chat publico, yo hablo con todos los que estén interesados en conocerme.
BorrarSoy muy espontánea al hablar y siempre muestro como soy en mi chat room. Cuando hablo del miedo, no me refiero solo a las modelos, algunos usuarios tienen miedo a ser rechazados por su apariencia o personalidad. Muchas modelos hemos pasado de darle confianza a alguien a ser amenazadas o chantajeadas. Claro, debemos ser cautelosos, obviamente una modelo no te va a contar su vida o información personal cuando la contactas por medio de una pagina web.
No puedes definir como es una persona con 10 minutos de conversación, cuando es la primera vez que comparto un tiempo privado con una persona no se que decir o como actuar, a nosotras también nos dan nervios. Cuando he aceptado conocer a un usuario en persona, me da mas alegría y emoción verlo que recibir un regalo. Nosotras también le tenemos cariño a las personas que nos ayudan y apoyan a cumplir nuestras metas. Personalmente ser una modelo web no abarca una pequeña porción de mi vida y si, es mi trabajo, lo amo y dependo de el económicamente.
Gracias por tu opinion. Te invito a visitarme a mi chatroom y a leer mi articulo, why cam model? un abrazo :)
Entiendo sobre espresarle a una modelo lo que deseo antes de entrar a Skype, y siempre lo hago. Le digo lo que deseo: que este vestida o cubierta, y que solo me gustaria hablar con ella, nada mas. La mayoria responden bien a la idea. Y en los primeros 10 minutos puedo deducir si hay interes en hablar o si es solo por cumplir el tiempo pagado. Las modelos que no tienen interes usualmente contestan preguntas de forma corta, para no ocupar mucho iempo, no hacen preguntas, esatn muy al tanto del tiempo. Algunas hasta me avisan del tiempo antes de que se acabe, y estan terminando la conversacion con sus palaras.
ResponderBorrarPero si yo veo que l aconversacion ha ido bien, que la modelo ha participado, esta invertida en el tema, yo siempre le aviso a la modelo cuando esta llegando al fin del tiempo. Le pregunto si tiene otros compromisos de shows o pvt, y si no, le pido si estaria interesada en hablar mas tiempo. Si esta interesada, le pago por mas tiempo y se continua. Yo he hablado por 4 a 5 horas con una modelo cuando lleva turno de las 10pm en adelante.
Quiero que sepas que hice comentarios muy generales sobre lo que no se deberia esperar de un encuentro amistoso entre un usuario y una modelo. Lo de los regalos no lo aplicaba a ti.
Por favor entiende que para mi, Tu eres parte de un grupo muy pequeno de modelos que saben manejar y controlar su sala de chat. Muchas no saben hacerlo, y no es que pierdan control, pero no tienen experiencia en poder hablarle a tantos usuarios a la misma vez. Mientras he visto como Tu, Flora y varias otras manejan y mantienen entretenidos a sus usuarios, al nivel que uno desea no tener que irse, y desea volver lo mas pronto posible el proximo dia. Da testimonio a la habilidad que ustedes han desarollado para efectuar su trabajo y aun mostrar cierto nivel de interes personal.