domingo, 17 de diciembre de 2017
Estudios Web cam
Enfrentarse a ser una cam model es todo un desafío tanto físico como mental, se deben tener ciertos conocimientos previos, en algunos casos las chicas llegan de manera ingenua sin investigar fondo. Como todo en la vida hay métodos más efectivos, también podría decir que cualquier mujer podría desempeñarse como cam model, porque no es un asunto explícito de sexo, la clave está en la personalidad y la actitud. Todos los seres humanos tenemos estos atributos. Hay que tener muy claro quién eres y que es lo que se quiere vender. Esto requiere paciencia, observar y analizar, finalmente también estas tratando con humanos al otro lado del ordenador. Entender cómo funcionan los software es fundamental, en muchos casos las chicas recurren a estudios donde ya tiene un objetivo y resulta más fácil estar sujeta a ordenes que desarrollar libremente su personalidad.
Normalmente los avisos de los estudios están en los clasificados. Una mujer llega a una casa en la que le ofrecen un espacio en el que el único objetivo que tiene en el día es verse agradable y conectarse dentro de un horario. Otros profundizan en el tema, las monitorean al comienzo para decirles como actuar correctamente y ofrecen otra clase de servicios, como por ejemplo, un monitor: Persona que digita y chatea con los usuarios, ya que algunas no saben hablar o escribir en ingles. La calidad de los estudios es diversa: los hay muy sofisticados donde las locaciones brindan ambientes agradables, los hay un poco mas austeros y otros que no se empeñan por brindar un buen espacio para las modelos.
Siempre están buscando mujeres nuevas que quieran trabajar con ellos, ya que algunas lo intentan y como no les va bien, entonces renuncian. Esto es de amor y constancia, como cualquier cosa la vida si te dedicas totalmente, tendrás éxito. El pudor y la timidez hace que muchas teman por su seguridad y que sus conocidos se enteren. Entonces te dicen que tienes la opción de bloquear el país en el que te conocen. Si, la página te da la pagina da la opción de bloquear el país que quieras. Esto funciona si eres invisible, pero si adquieres un poco de popularidad, te empiezan a grabar y encontraras videos tuyos en la red, de manera oportunista algunas páginas subirán videos con tu nickname de modelo y sacaran provecho extra de tu trabajo sin que devengues nada a cambio. Por otro lado algunas paginas ofrecen eliminar tus links, ya que tu eres la dueña de tu imagen en cámara. Muchas de las paginas que te graban ilegalmente hacen caso omiso a los DMCA (ley de derechos de autor de la era digital).
Hay un gran cantidad de estudios en Colombia y mujeres que muy fielmente durante años han seguido trabajando para la misma compañía. Otras que por inconformidad cambian de un estudio a otro, en este caso son mujeres que ya saben que es lo que tienen que hacer, pero no saben como ser independientes. Hay un grupo de mujeres que trabajan desde su casa, les dicen satélites. Ellas reciben su dinero a través del estudio. Pagan su internet y sus servicios. Invirtieron en su computador portátil, cámara, escenario y luces. Pero ellas dejan un porcentaje de su sueldo al estudio solamente por recibir su pago.
Muchas se sienten seguras al estar en un estudio, algunas porque creen tener el respaldo de una empresa ante un préstamo bancario, papeles para arrendar un apartamento o solicitar una visa. Estar en un estudio es la manera más cercana a pensar que tu trabajo como cam model es formal. Cada pagina tiene un contrato de trabajo, se puede usar cuando se necesita demostrar un contrato de trabajo con una compañía. Abre una cuenta bancaria nacional, consigna dinero en ella y solicita una tarjeta de crédito. Tener movimientos bancarios te da la posibilidad de adquirir un préstamo cuando lo necesites. Si necesitas una visa, primero saca el pasaporte y viaja fuera del país para tener sellos en este, muchos países solo te piden el pasaporte. Esto te da mas posibilidades de adquirir una visa.
El miedo a ser juzgadas y la falta de conocimiento hace que varias modelos no quieran hablar con un asesor bancario. Hay bancos nacionales que reciben dinero de las paginas a través de diferentes entidades bancarias internacionales, sin embargo estas en desventaja frente al cambio que te ofrece el banco entre dólar y moneda nacional . Esta también Firstchoice pay, es un banco en el que abres una cuenta gratuita. Esta tarjeta se conecta en tu cuenta de Myfreecams y Chaturbate.
Otro miedo de las modelos es tener que crear una nueva cuenta, pues la que actualmente están usando tiene buen camscore, pero esa esta asociada con su estudio para recibir los pagos. No tengas miedo de abrir tu cuenta independiente, tus usuarios te subirán rápidamente.
Las paginas de tokens te descuentan el 50% del total que una modelo puede generar. De ese 50% restante los estudio devengan entre el 20% y 30% siento optimista. Los estudios son el intermediario entre la modelo y la pagina. Es importante saber a que te enfrentas cuando decides trabajar para un estudio:
Total tokens mensuales : 10.000 Esto equivale a 1.000 USD
Pago total de la pagina por cada 10.000 tokens : ....500 USD
Supongamos que el estudio te quita el 20 % : ........400 USD
Y si te quita el 30 % tu recibes : ............................ 350 USD
Cuando una modelo webcam es nueva solo esta buscando un trabajo, no entiende este porcentaje, porque solo esta esperando obtener un pago. Por esto es que no piensa en el momento de ingresar a trabajar en esta simple operación matemática. Pero si llevas años, trabajando para un estudio, en el que sabes que tu eres la que genera esos ingresos, estas perdiendo tiempo y dinero. Los ingresos son una ruleta, hay meses buenos y malos, por eso hay que programarse a futuro. Deja de comprar zapatos, ropa y aparatos electrónicos. Primero invierte en lo que necesitas para independizarte.
Bajo mi experiencia podría afirmar que si tu trabajo es fruto de tu personalidad y de tu actitud es importante ser independiente, quitar los intermediarios. Vale la pena investigar nutrirse y mejorar cada día, profundizar en temas, entender que es entretenimiento para adultos y fortalecerte mentalmente para poder incrementar tus ingresos de manera autónoma e independiente.
domingo, 10 de diciembre de 2017
When I opened a Facebook account for the first time, I was at university. At that time it was something new in my country. I had some of the best teachers there, so they taught us what was new around the world. The first people I added were my partners in class, we really had no idea that was going to become so popular and we didn't understand the objective of the site at that moment.
Several years later, almost everybody had Facebook. The concept to share and contact people from around the world was easy. Friends that I can't see every day or when they are in one adventure and share it there, or show how much fun you had in one day was so fun. Then the idealist and political comments started. I saw family members arguing over political differences. When they started to add more stuff on Facebook such as emoticons and mood of the day, it became worse. Everyone exposing their feelings and emotions in public, so much drama around political opinions and being tagged in religious pictures. It was enough to make me stop sharing so much on it.
I stopped writing there and just shared music videos or pictures of trips. Some of my followers on Facebook never gave a like, or post a comment. They had a false opinion of me because they only saw what I posted on Facebook. Some started writing gossip or horrible comments about what I shared. Just guessing how I obtained the money to start traveling. Some people can't believe you can do it on your own, or think traveling is so expensive. But it really depends on how luxurious you like to travel. Only a few of you know what kind of places I stayed at during my trips, but of course, I didn't share pictures of it on Facebook. It happened once that a member found that Facebook account. I had started being a cam model and he was a regular at the time. I never told him my name. Then he just suddenly started to say 'Hi' and call me by my name in private message. It was annoying. The negative reactions of some people and the bad comments bored me to the point that I decided to close my Facebook account.
About one year later, someone I was dating wanted to show me to his family and made me open an account again. So that time I only added my close friends and family members. The relationship didn't work out and I started being bored of Facebook again, unrelated to the breakup. I really don't care about the political opinions of the people who put comments there, it is boring. Each of us has our own opinions and you are not changing the mind of anybody. Being a critic doesn't help, the only thing that matters in politic is what you do or did to make a change.
About exposing our everyday life in pictures or comments: I can say there are people who share their whole day just like how I do it on Snapchat hahaha. We don't need to ask someone if they broke up with their boyfriend or girlfriend, we just notice how those pictures disappear. I did that too. Showing the things we have, get, believe and gain. Nobody really cares, they don't have to talk to you because they see everything there. You are just feeding to the gossip. Some people stop talking to you because you share so much on there. There are other people who just quietly spy on you, like a creepy stalker.
I think Facebook has those rules of not posting pictures of women's nipples because the kids can have access to them and all the information you upload there is managed by the police. When you try to leave, it doesn't let you do it. You still can log on the session and it is like you never left. The same is true for all the information you uploaded there, you think you erased it but it is still there, saved somewhere. Everything you upload, it is saved on the internet. When I left Facebook, I quit Messenger too. Before I decided to close myself, there was a friend of mine that had decided to quit Facebook. But she hadn't closed Messenger. I told her that I see her on Facebook like she never left. She didn't know that if you continued to use Messenger, it automatically opens Facebook without your permission.
I can say my life is so much happier without Facebook. I lost so much time on there. I was used to opening it in the morning before getting out of bed. Showing my life to people who really don't care about me. After I closed Facebook, it acted like a filter on my followers, and it made obvious who actually cared about me and who didn't. The people who really care about me, they talk with me by phone.
Each one of us is responsible for our privacy and what we decide to expose. I am not the best example because I am a cam model, my life is public. I actually have a Facebook account but I haven't uploaded pictures of me in a long time. I don't use it much. I have a few of my close friends there just to keep in contact when they don't have another social media site, or to send us lives in Candy Crush. You are not missing anything from there.
Several years later, almost everybody had Facebook. The concept to share and contact people from around the world was easy. Friends that I can't see every day or when they are in one adventure and share it there, or show how much fun you had in one day was so fun. Then the idealist and political comments started. I saw family members arguing over political differences. When they started to add more stuff on Facebook such as emoticons and mood of the day, it became worse. Everyone exposing their feelings and emotions in public, so much drama around political opinions and being tagged in religious pictures. It was enough to make me stop sharing so much on it.
I stopped writing there and just shared music videos or pictures of trips. Some of my followers on Facebook never gave a like, or post a comment. They had a false opinion of me because they only saw what I posted on Facebook. Some started writing gossip or horrible comments about what I shared. Just guessing how I obtained the money to start traveling. Some people can't believe you can do it on your own, or think traveling is so expensive. But it really depends on how luxurious you like to travel. Only a few of you know what kind of places I stayed at during my trips, but of course, I didn't share pictures of it on Facebook. It happened once that a member found that Facebook account. I had started being a cam model and he was a regular at the time. I never told him my name. Then he just suddenly started to say 'Hi' and call me by my name in private message. It was annoying. The negative reactions of some people and the bad comments bored me to the point that I decided to close my Facebook account.
About one year later, someone I was dating wanted to show me to his family and made me open an account again. So that time I only added my close friends and family members. The relationship didn't work out and I started being bored of Facebook again, unrelated to the breakup. I really don't care about the political opinions of the people who put comments there, it is boring. Each of us has our own opinions and you are not changing the mind of anybody. Being a critic doesn't help, the only thing that matters in politic is what you do or did to make a change.
About exposing our everyday life in pictures or comments: I can say there are people who share their whole day just like how I do it on Snapchat hahaha. We don't need to ask someone if they broke up with their boyfriend or girlfriend, we just notice how those pictures disappear. I did that too. Showing the things we have, get, believe and gain. Nobody really cares, they don't have to talk to you because they see everything there. You are just feeding to the gossip. Some people stop talking to you because you share so much on there. There are other people who just quietly spy on you, like a creepy stalker.
I think Facebook has those rules of not posting pictures of women's nipples because the kids can have access to them and all the information you upload there is managed by the police. When you try to leave, it doesn't let you do it. You still can log on the session and it is like you never left. The same is true for all the information you uploaded there, you think you erased it but it is still there, saved somewhere. Everything you upload, it is saved on the internet. When I left Facebook, I quit Messenger too. Before I decided to close myself, there was a friend of mine that had decided to quit Facebook. But she hadn't closed Messenger. I told her that I see her on Facebook like she never left. She didn't know that if you continued to use Messenger, it automatically opens Facebook without your permission.
I can say my life is so much happier without Facebook. I lost so much time on there. I was used to opening it in the morning before getting out of bed. Showing my life to people who really don't care about me. After I closed Facebook, it acted like a filter on my followers, and it made obvious who actually cared about me and who didn't. The people who really care about me, they talk with me by phone.
Each one of us is responsible for our privacy and what we decide to expose. I am not the best example because I am a cam model, my life is public. I actually have a Facebook account but I haven't uploaded pictures of me in a long time. I don't use it much. I have a few of my close friends there just to keep in contact when they don't have another social media site, or to send us lives in Candy Crush. You are not missing anything from there.
domingo, 7 de mayo de 2017
The culture where I born
This was one of the most difficult articles to write. It is not only my personal opinion. I asked the opinion of different women about the guys of my country, women of different ages.
I don't think you have to act similarly to the other people from where you are born.
Religion is predominant in this society, catholic and Christian. The most important thing for every person here is the family. For everyone it is important what the other family members think about their decisions and when finding a partner, they hope for their approval. This means, if you are interested in a woman, you have to be ready to meet the entire family. The people here are friendly and helpful, when they see a tourist from another country, if they don't understand the language, they will try to help you with signs.
I grew up watching TV, and the local TV is full of soap operas and dramas. The model of life is recreated in repetitive soap operas. Every story starts with the poor girl who finds a rich guy or in some way, she becomes rich. There is always a guy who cheated on her, she suffers and at the end, they get back together. Watching this makes people believe in illusions and we become emotional, we think with the heart, not the head. The series idolizes the worst people from our society. Before you idolize someone, you should first investigate that person. The adults usually watch soap operas with their kids, they also like to watch the news.
Be ready for the drama, people like it here and it is kinda normal. Jealousy and a person believing he or she is your owner. We like to be dramatic and get attention. If someone ignores us, we make our own drama.
Here is normal for guys to cheat on women. They like to boast to their friends as if it is a competition, the king is the one who cheats the most. The women usually forgive the guy but never forget. If it is the woman who cheats on the guy, he will never forgive her. It will be the topic every time the couple argues. What do you expect when the model of life is the television?
The media sell a stereotype of a woman, how she has to look physically and that is why for some of us it becomes the major importance. If you have the chance to see a soap opera from South America, you will see how the women on it look, they are hot. In the soap opera, there is the character of the evil women, the envious one, nobody wants to be that woman. But then they copy the model, the double moral, being envious, making it a competition and criticizing the other women, fighting for a man sometimes.
I grew up in a time between two different generations, the generation before me was respecting their traditions. At that time the husband had to provide what the family needed while the wife had to take care of the home, and sometimes even go to work at the same time. For society at that time, it was not good if the husband abandoned his home. Women supported everything and the most important opinion was from the husband, the leader of the family. My generation started having new ways to communicate with people around the world, learning new information about different cultures. The new generation doesn't understand that we grew up without a computer, some of the stuff we learned was from books, we still have habits from the generation before us and we respect some of their traditions.
It is normal if a woman grows up believing she will find a person who will "rescue her" when she is formed to find a husband and her model of life is the TV. I learned to cook, take care of the home and dance during my childhood. I appreciate I learn that. I know how to cook my own food, I take it like good skills for survival. Some guys from my generation where I live, just expect to find a woman who can support them and take care of them. I am not generalizing about this, there are guys who work hard, but I found a lot of guys who are looking a replacement for their moms.
Not all the people think in the same way, there are a lot of people like me who doesn't follow the traditions.
I did this question to different women: What do you like about Colombian men?
What I noticed from all the women here is they first bring up the negative stuff. They said:
They cheat on us, they don't respect women, they don't like the successful women, they are liars. I then had to ask them the same question again. And then they gave me the positive things: A few of them make us laugh, they are flirtatious, 'the spicy' (the women who said 'the spicy' are women who never had a relationship with a guy from another country).
I did the same question to a guy who works with different cultures inside my country, his answer surprised me:
The guys here are like a chicken breast. That is the piece of chicken nobody is going to pick first, but the women here don't have a better option. They wear the shirt inside their pants, they don't have a topic of conversation, they are boring, basic. The only interesting thing in this country are the women, each one is a world, they have to put the seasoning in that piece of chicken breast.
He said: the only good thing they have is a good skill for dancing.
I don't think you have to act similarly to the other people from where you are born.
Religion is predominant in this society, catholic and Christian. The most important thing for every person here is the family. For everyone it is important what the other family members think about their decisions and when finding a partner, they hope for their approval. This means, if you are interested in a woman, you have to be ready to meet the entire family. The people here are friendly and helpful, when they see a tourist from another country, if they don't understand the language, they will try to help you with signs.
I grew up watching TV, and the local TV is full of soap operas and dramas. The model of life is recreated in repetitive soap operas. Every story starts with the poor girl who finds a rich guy or in some way, she becomes rich. There is always a guy who cheated on her, she suffers and at the end, they get back together. Watching this makes people believe in illusions and we become emotional, we think with the heart, not the head. The series idolizes the worst people from our society. Before you idolize someone, you should first investigate that person. The adults usually watch soap operas with their kids, they also like to watch the news.
Be ready for the drama, people like it here and it is kinda normal. Jealousy and a person believing he or she is your owner. We like to be dramatic and get attention. If someone ignores us, we make our own drama.
Here is normal for guys to cheat on women. They like to boast to their friends as if it is a competition, the king is the one who cheats the most. The women usually forgive the guy but never forget. If it is the woman who cheats on the guy, he will never forgive her. It will be the topic every time the couple argues. What do you expect when the model of life is the television?
The media sell a stereotype of a woman, how she has to look physically and that is why for some of us it becomes the major importance. If you have the chance to see a soap opera from South America, you will see how the women on it look, they are hot. In the soap opera, there is the character of the evil women, the envious one, nobody wants to be that woman. But then they copy the model, the double moral, being envious, making it a competition and criticizing the other women, fighting for a man sometimes.
I grew up in a time between two different generations, the generation before me was respecting their traditions. At that time the husband had to provide what the family needed while the wife had to take care of the home, and sometimes even go to work at the same time. For society at that time, it was not good if the husband abandoned his home. Women supported everything and the most important opinion was from the husband, the leader of the family. My generation started having new ways to communicate with people around the world, learning new information about different cultures. The new generation doesn't understand that we grew up without a computer, some of the stuff we learned was from books, we still have habits from the generation before us and we respect some of their traditions.
It is normal if a woman grows up believing she will find a person who will "rescue her" when she is formed to find a husband and her model of life is the TV. I learned to cook, take care of the home and dance during my childhood. I appreciate I learn that. I know how to cook my own food, I take it like good skills for survival. Some guys from my generation where I live, just expect to find a woman who can support them and take care of them. I am not generalizing about this, there are guys who work hard, but I found a lot of guys who are looking a replacement for their moms.
Not all the people think in the same way, there are a lot of people like me who doesn't follow the traditions.
I did this question to different women: What do you like about Colombian men?
What I noticed from all the women here is they first bring up the negative stuff. They said:
They cheat on us, they don't respect women, they don't like the successful women, they are liars. I then had to ask them the same question again. And then they gave me the positive things: A few of them make us laugh, they are flirtatious, 'the spicy' (the women who said 'the spicy' are women who never had a relationship with a guy from another country).
I did the same question to a guy who works with different cultures inside my country, his answer surprised me:
The guys here are like a chicken breast. That is the piece of chicken nobody is going to pick first, but the women here don't have a better option. They wear the shirt inside their pants, they don't have a topic of conversation, they are boring, basic. The only interesting thing in this country are the women, each one is a world, they have to put the seasoning in that piece of chicken breast.
He said: the only good thing they have is a good skill for dancing.
domingo, 19 de marzo de 2017
Take care of yourself
I was born with several illnesses. It is not easy to live with an illness, it forces you to think about what things to choose because it is always present. Things you love to eat, smell and feel but have to avoid. I have atopic dermatitis, rhinitis, conjunctivitis and hip dysplasia. Atopic dermatitis is common during childhood, but it is rare to have it continue into and past adolescence, in such a case atopic dermatitis becomes chronic.
Atopic dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin, it is genetic and the symptoms get worse from any number of things; in my case this is stress, pets, dust, sweat, pollution, dry and cold weather, chlorine (swimming pool), certain fabrics like wool, perfume, detergent and some food items (rice, tuna, chocolate, strawberries, peanuts, tomatoes, spices, sodas, and processed food).
My skin condition is probably one of the reasons why I am shy. Kids can be cruel, they were pointing their fingers to show my skin and making fun of it. But adults can be just as bad. I lost one year in school because the sports teacher wouldn’t let me take part in the class. He didn't allow students wearing pants, requiring girls to wear shorts. Some people feel disgusted seeing my skin. There were places I couldn't enter like pool slides, Turkish baths, saunas... The condition is not contagious, but some people’s ignorance can make others feel bad.
My family did everything people said to try to cure me, the best doctors, some of them being pretty expensive. The overpriced skin care products are not covered by the medical insurance. The doctors were giving me pills, creams for specific areas and other ones for my whole body. They were only having theories of how to cure me. First, they said I was only going to have it until I was 7 years old and then it was going to disappear. Then they said when I hit puberty and started my period it was going to disappear. The last theory was that it would disappear when I have a child, I don't believe that.
I stayed one week with a group of people who said they follow the star of David. I am not sure if they were Jewish or Catholic, I was still a child. I stayed in a town so far away from my family. We were praying the entire week and the healing would happen during the night I slept in the temple. That night the spirits would come to cure the illness. I shared that week with a group of people suffering from cancer and stomach problems. They gave us some beverages to cleanse our bodies which we drank it in the morning and the rest of the day you could only have water. Another time, I went to see a doctor on a farm outside of my city. The people were saying good things about him. He was catholic, I had to enter a room, lay in the bed and repeat some prayers he said, it was around two hours. Then he gave me a bag with natural medicine that looked like sand. I had to mix spoons of the medicine with water and drink it.
I tried a lot of things people recommend; aloe, lemon, showers with water and herbs, skin products for animals. I went to see a homeopath but the medicine he gave me was so bad for me. My allergy was only in some parts of my body, but after that treatment, it was everywhere. One time, I was having a lot of stress from my job and the doctor gave me an inability to work for one month. It was so bad! I was covering my skin from my neck to my toes. My sister joined me to see the dermatologist and when I took off my clothing and she saw my skin, she started crying. With the medicine the doctor prescribed me, I healed for a few months.
I searched on the internet who were the best doctors for skin conditions in my country. I found one and I started an experimental treatment with her. It was controversial because the medicine she prescribed had secondary effects, and I was experiencing those. My boss called me and told me I had to do something because I was not looking the same anymore. Unfortunately, in some places, you get a job for your appearance. The medicine changed my face and body. My skin was looking perfect but I had fluid retention.
I gained nine kilograms and after that, I decided to change my life. I researched the fluid retention and it was sodium combined with the medicine that made it happen. Sodium is in everything however, it is not only in salt. Some vegetables and proteins have it as well. I cut all the salt and refined sugar from my diet and I started a nutritional plan. I did it on my own, reading books, and reading information on the internet. I started going to the gym often, five days a week without excuses. I went to talk with my doctor, I told her I didn't want to continue that medicine anymore and she changed the treatment.
The new treatment consisted of taking a medicine intended for cancer treatment and UV light sessions controlled by a doctor. I had to have three treatments a week and a doctor’s appointment every month. Blood exams every month to check my liver and kidneys. I did this continuously for 3 months. After that, I continued to only take the pills and going to one appointment every month.
One day I started feeling pain in my hip. I didn't know why and I was thinking it was because of lifting heavy weights in the gym. I took some days off from exercise to recover, but every day it was getting worse. Five days later I couldn't walk normally. The first orthopedist I saw, said it was bursitis. He told me 10 days of therapy would be enough to heal. During the therapy, I felt great, but a few hours later the pain was back again. I completed the therapy but I went to see another orthopedist and he found the dysplasia. It is degenerative so I can't do anything to recover from it, I lost part of my cartilage. Now I have to take care of myself, I can't jump, run, or have a baby. I have to sleep only on my left side with a pillow between my legs. It was not easy to change how I sleep, it took me months to start sleeping normally again.
While I was on my trip in Brasil, I forgot to take my medicine. I told that to my doctor and she said that if you stopped just don't take it again. I continue doing exercise, taking vitamins, eating healthy. My metabolism is better now and I lost the weight I gained. I know my hip will never be fine, but I have hope that getting strong muscles will help with something, doing just the exercises my body allows me to do. I have to take sun baths twice a year and continue eating healthy. I didn't have allergic reactions again after I started the sun baths. Changing my diet was the best decision I did in my life. I don't eat processed food often. It is weird for some people when they see me eating.
For me, it is normal to deal with my illnesses and taking care of myself. I’ve had it all my life, but I understand the people around me, it can be annoying. I have to think before doing or buying something, the laundry detergent or the soap for showering, the makeup I wear, the ingredients on the creams or personal products reading all the labels, the fabric of my clothes and my bed linens, the smell of cleaning products and perfumes, the additives in food, the dust in the house. I am the kind of person who liked to jump in concerts, jump in a waterfall, paragliding, bungee jumping, running and doing activities like hiking and walking up long stairs, but now I can’t do that.
I have freckles, wrinkles and a lot of scars but being better feels great. I have decided to stop going to the doctor, believe me, it is exhausting to see doctors. Sometimes I eat some of the stuff that causes an allergic reaction, I’ve had pets too. I am alive, I have to live. I don't want more chemicals, strange treatments or medicines. Your decisions when you are going to eat can help you to heal. I hope this help someone to decide to change their habits to have a better life.
domingo, 12 de marzo de 2017
When the virtual cross to real
Some members traveled to Colombia and I met them here. Other times I met when I traveled to their country. It is complicated because not all the people act the same way. Some members are hoping to find love and others just want to meet up with a good friend.
The first member I met, travelled to Colombia since he comes here frequently and he invited me to get lunch. He was a regular in my chat room. During lunch he told me he's the owner of a studio of cam models in Colombia and when he noticed I was not interested in working for him, he stopped going to my chat room.
The second member I met, was a regular for years in my chat room. His interest was traveling to other countries and he wanted to meet local people before going to a country. It is a good idea to contact locals before going to a country because the locals know more about their country than a tourist. We met and he was nice to me and we continued to keep in contact. The second time he came to Colombia we traveled together and we went to explore a part of Colombia I never went before. He was here a lot of times, I saw him in his third trip to Colombia one night. We went to a club and I stayed only a couple of hours. When he was here the fourth time, he asked me for help to save money. He was in another city in my country and his plane from my city going back to his country was going to be two days later. I left him stay in my place for a couple of nights. We had some arguments and we never talked after that anymore.
The third and fourth member I met was from date raffles. I did the first date raffle with three other models. The person who won was not a regular of mine. I saw him but we didn't talk. I met the fourth member when I went to the caribbean with another model and we had a great time there. It was such a cool trip. We are still friends even though he's not coming to MFC much anymore, but we do keep in contact.
The fifth member I met, went to a convention in Colombia I was at as well. He was one of my first regulars. He doesn't come to my chat room now, but sometimes he enters to say hi. He has his own project and tries to contact models to work with him. He offered me to work for him, but I was there only a few days and I wanted to enjoy the place so work was not on my plans during that trip.
The sixth member I met, I love him, he knows it, and we are good friends. I went to another city in my country for a weekend. One night I went for a walk at night and I entered a restaurant. I was sitting outside, looking at the people crossing and walking around the neighborhood. I saw someone who looked like one of my regulars but I was not sure, so I went out and I stood in front of him waiting to see if he recognized me. He was there with a friend. Then two friends of mine that were found us and we went to party. It was a fun night.
The sixth member I met, I love him, he knows it, and we are good friends. I went to another city in my country for a weekend. One night I went for a walk at night and I entered a restaurant. I was sitting outside, looking at the people crossing and walking around the neighborhood. I saw someone who looked like one of my regulars but I was not sure, so I went out and I stood in front of him waiting to see if he recognized me. He was there with a friend. Then two friends of mine that were found us and we went to party. It was a fun night.
During my trips I saw a few more of my regulars. I never do a plan of a trip because I like to explore places and I prefer to not be influenced by blogs and guides. Sometimes my trips change completely and I go to places I was not expecting to go during my trip. I hope people can understand this. If I was in your city, or close to it and I didn't see you, it happens. One member who came to Colombia invited me to get lunch with him. I didn't want to go alone and I told him so. He got mad with me because I didn't accept going alone. I decide when I want to meet a person, it is not an obligation, don't feel bad if I don't or if I couldn't.
I want to continue traveling, but it is a risk to meet someone. You have to know someone enough to let him meet you, evil people exist too. There are emotions and expectations from both sides. It can be a wonderful moment between us or it could be a deception. I've had some of the best days of my life, days I will never forget. We are on the other side of the computer, we play a character on the internet. It doesn't show enough about how we really are. There are members I have never seen a picture off, I don't even know how they look.
I want to continue traveling, but it is a risk to meet someone. You have to know someone enough to let him meet you, evil people exist too. There are emotions and expectations from both sides. It can be a wonderful moment between us or it could be a deception. I've had some of the best days of my life, days I will never forget. We are on the other side of the computer, we play a character on the internet. It doesn't show enough about how we really are. There are members I have never seen a picture off, I don't even know how they look.
In January I went to AVN las vegas, I shared some time with two of my regulars, I met new people and it was a cool experience. Staying there one week was not enough, it was too short a time. It is a shame I couldn't spend more time with my friends.
I tried last mont to do a date raffle, it was the first time I did one alone. Meeting someone is a great experience, but I felt like I was so open to meet people without asking tokens for a date. Unfortunately, not many people participated on it. I had a goal, it was not something impossible but I didn't achieve it. I don't know if you understand my point, I don't want to be evil, I believe I am not, but I have to change the open option I had to meet people.
I tried last mont to do a date raffle, it was the first time I did one alone. Meeting someone is a great experience, but I felt like I was so open to meet people without asking tokens for a date. Unfortunately, not many people participated on it. I had a goal, it was not something impossible but I didn't achieve it. I don't know if you understand my point, I don't want to be evil, I believe I am not, but I have to change the open option I had to meet people.
Anyways, I had a cool time with the people I met, there are wonderful friends and I want to say thanks to all the people that are still interested in me. Thank you for all the love, company and friendship. I don't know if I will try to do another date raffle again, but for now it is the only way to meet me or see me again until I decide on another option.
What do you think about meeting a cam model or member? Are you afraid to meet? What do you expect when you meet her or him?
What do you think about meeting a cam model or member? Are you afraid to meet? What do you expect when you meet her or him?
domingo, 5 de marzo de 2017
Camscore and MissMFC
I write this article because I know not everybody understand how this works. Sometimes you hear you favorite model complaining and logging off because she tries to take care of her camscore.
When a new model starts on Myfreecams, her camscore is 1000 points.
Camscore :
It is a rating which determines the order the models are displayed on the website. When you enter to the website, it sorts the avatars. The models with the highest camscore are at the top, the models with the lowest camscore at the end. This is the default setting for MFC, but you can change it in the filter settings to sort by something else. If, for example, you filter South america, then it organizes the models from highest to lowest camscore again.
What determines the camscore of a model is the frequency and quantity of tips she receives by hours of connection. If I wait long hours and I don't receive tips, it will go down. You will see the actualization of camscore approximately every 24 hours. If another model receives more tokens than me, it doesn't affect my camscore. Profile rating and admiring doesn't affect the camscore at all. A member can't negatively affect my camscore either. Camscore doesn't get updated if a model does not go online. If a model doesn't work in weeks,then when she logs on again, her points are going to crash.
Every time I open my cam, camscore start to move. If I get a good amount of tokens in a short period of time, the camscore will go up.
How do you help a model to get a better camscore?
Tips offline. This is why a model will offer special deals for tips offline.
Group shows. This only works if there are at least three members during the whole show.
Yellow walls. It is a good option if she's going to stay online a long time. Before you tip, you can offer her to split a tip in several or lots of small tips to make the price for something she's selling.
Big tips. It is good in short time of connection.
Tips offline if she's going to be absent in weeks.
New members and some people usually enter only to chat rooms with higher camscores, they skip the ones with lower points. The visualization helps, new people will enter to my chat room and maybe, be interested to get to know me. Having a high camscore doesn't determinate if I am a good model or not. There are good models with low points.
I decided to take out the camscore from my profile, personally I can say it makes me feel bad. It affects my self esteem and some of us start to compare us with other models. Now I no longer pay attention to that number. I don't know which position I have on the site, the most important is if I have income.
Miss Myfreecams:
This is a ranking based solely on the amount of tokens a model has earned in a given month. The number one earn more tokens compared with the other models. In this case, it is a competition by earnings.
When a model has a goal, support her. It is the motivation to continue working, growing and doing new stuff. It motivates us to continue entertainment you.
When a new model starts on Myfreecams, her camscore is 1000 points.
Camscore :
It is a rating which determines the order the models are displayed on the website. When you enter to the website, it sorts the avatars. The models with the highest camscore are at the top, the models with the lowest camscore at the end. This is the default setting for MFC, but you can change it in the filter settings to sort by something else. If, for example, you filter South america, then it organizes the models from highest to lowest camscore again.
What determines the camscore of a model is the frequency and quantity of tips she receives by hours of connection. If I wait long hours and I don't receive tips, it will go down. You will see the actualization of camscore approximately every 24 hours. If another model receives more tokens than me, it doesn't affect my camscore. Profile rating and admiring doesn't affect the camscore at all. A member can't negatively affect my camscore either. Camscore doesn't get updated if a model does not go online. If a model doesn't work in weeks,then when she logs on again, her points are going to crash.
Every time I open my cam, camscore start to move. If I get a good amount of tokens in a short period of time, the camscore will go up.
How do you help a model to get a better camscore?
Tips offline. This is why a model will offer special deals for tips offline.
Group shows. This only works if there are at least three members during the whole show.
Yellow walls. It is a good option if she's going to stay online a long time. Before you tip, you can offer her to split a tip in several or lots of small tips to make the price for something she's selling.
Big tips. It is good in short time of connection.
Tips offline if she's going to be absent in weeks.
New members and some people usually enter only to chat rooms with higher camscores, they skip the ones with lower points. The visualization helps, new people will enter to my chat room and maybe, be interested to get to know me. Having a high camscore doesn't determinate if I am a good model or not. There are good models with low points.
I decided to take out the camscore from my profile, personally I can say it makes me feel bad. It affects my self esteem and some of us start to compare us with other models. Now I no longer pay attention to that number. I don't know which position I have on the site, the most important is if I have income.
Miss Myfreecams:
This is a ranking based solely on the amount of tokens a model has earned in a given month. The number one earn more tokens compared with the other models. In this case, it is a competition by earnings.
When a model has a goal, support her. It is the motivation to continue working, growing and doing new stuff. It motivates us to continue entertainment you.
domingo, 26 de febrero de 2017
Why cam model?. Second and last part.
If I say exploring my own sexuality was the reason I started camming, it would be a lie. My sexual life didn't start in the best way; sexual harassment, rape, and violence happened. I continued my life and I left those things behind me. My past is part of my formation, it makes me the person I am now. I am not embarrassed for the stuff that happened in my life. All of it is part of a process, you can't forget but you have to continue. Now I am like a child combined with a strong woman.
I work only in myfreecams. From the websites I saw, I can say I like this one more, because there are real women and gentlemen, not only interested in sexual interactions. I feel it is more real and human. You can get a friendship with a model or member.
Camming gives me the opportunity to meet people from around the world. I found people who have similar tastes, share movies, music, ideas and experiences. I make people feel better with themselves and they make me feel better with myself. It is difficult to meet them all in person, I only have one life, the world is huge. But finding people who listen to you, that show interest in your life, understand your fears and give you advice, people that try to make me happy, they offer good company and friendship. I would not change it for anything.
This is my only job now. I am a independent person and I decide my time for work. Working is not only my time online because I have another social media stuff. I work out, take care of myself and I have to look good, it is part of it. I have to learn about the world. Where is a country, a state or a city located? What is their culture? Not everything is about sexuality, at least in MFC. You need to be smart, study and learn from people.
Always we feel complex with our body, I have it too. I noticed that since becoming a cam model, I started to feel better in my body. Working out not just for vanity, I do it because I live of this. I know myself more as a person. I learn to take care of myself and love me. Now I explore new ways of getting pleasure. My self esteem and my confidence are better and I lost the fear to talk with new people ( I am shy, believe it or not). To my friends, I always say to them that they do not have to feel bad with their bodies. Everybody search different characteristics in a person and not all of us like the same people.
Not everything is wonderful. The decision to work as a cam model resulted in a filter with the people in my life. I stopped talking to some family and friends, no social media, no Facebook. I have to hide my family and friends from members. Only a few of my friends still don't know what my job is. I can't talk openly about my job in public places. Some members are stalkers, one of them found my Facebook when I still had an account, I never told him my real name. He entered in my chat room and wrote my real name in a pm window, hoping to threaten me with it. It was annoying, I feel sorry for him.
I know some cam models, thanks to the website I work with. They are women like me, who like to help each other. We do not see them as a competitor, we see them as another person in the same position. We support and love each other. I actually live with another models a roommate. It is good to have someone in my home to talk about my day and make her feel better when she didn't have a good day. We have bad days too, but we try to show a smile to make you feel better if you had a bad day. Models: it is important to support each other, we are not competition, each one of us is completely different.
I have no regrets, I am aware I am getting older, there are a lot of younger, new and beautiful models, so many options for members. But I know who I am and camming helped me to make my goals in life possible.
This community has open the doors to give and receive love from other people, it is wonderful.
I work only in myfreecams. From the websites I saw, I can say I like this one more, because there are real women and gentlemen, not only interested in sexual interactions. I feel it is more real and human. You can get a friendship with a model or member.
Camming gives me the opportunity to meet people from around the world. I found people who have similar tastes, share movies, music, ideas and experiences. I make people feel better with themselves and they make me feel better with myself. It is difficult to meet them all in person, I only have one life, the world is huge. But finding people who listen to you, that show interest in your life, understand your fears and give you advice, people that try to make me happy, they offer good company and friendship. I would not change it for anything.
This is my only job now. I am a independent person and I decide my time for work. Working is not only my time online because I have another social media stuff. I work out, take care of myself and I have to look good, it is part of it. I have to learn about the world. Where is a country, a state or a city located? What is their culture? Not everything is about sexuality, at least in MFC. You need to be smart, study and learn from people.
Always we feel complex with our body, I have it too. I noticed that since becoming a cam model, I started to feel better in my body. Working out not just for vanity, I do it because I live of this. I know myself more as a person. I learn to take care of myself and love me. Now I explore new ways of getting pleasure. My self esteem and my confidence are better and I lost the fear to talk with new people ( I am shy, believe it or not). To my friends, I always say to them that they do not have to feel bad with their bodies. Everybody search different characteristics in a person and not all of us like the same people.
Not everything is wonderful. The decision to work as a cam model resulted in a filter with the people in my life. I stopped talking to some family and friends, no social media, no Facebook. I have to hide my family and friends from members. Only a few of my friends still don't know what my job is. I can't talk openly about my job in public places. Some members are stalkers, one of them found my Facebook when I still had an account, I never told him my real name. He entered in my chat room and wrote my real name in a pm window, hoping to threaten me with it. It was annoying, I feel sorry for him.
I know some cam models, thanks to the website I work with. They are women like me, who like to help each other. We do not see them as a competitor, we see them as another person in the same position. We support and love each other. I actually live with another models a roommate. It is good to have someone in my home to talk about my day and make her feel better when she didn't have a good day. We have bad days too, but we try to show a smile to make you feel better if you had a bad day. Models: it is important to support each other, we are not competition, each one of us is completely different.
I have no regrets, I am aware I am getting older, there are a lot of younger, new and beautiful models, so many options for members. But I know who I am and camming helped me to make my goals in life possible.
This community has open the doors to give and receive love from other people, it is wonderful.
domingo, 19 de febrero de 2017
Why cam model?
Somebody asked me about this on my blog. I remember when I was kid, I liked to watch a TV show called "El mundo al vuelo con Hector Mora". It was a Colombian TV show about traveling. At that time we did not have cable to watch international TV shows. Seeing the world was always my dream, it started in my childhood, but I didn't know much about the reality at that age.
When I finished school, the responsibility for my parents finished. They didn't have enough money to pay for a university degree. I have two sisters, I never imagined I was going to enter to a university. I had a lot of jobs. What I was getting paid, wasn't enough to continue my education. It was enough for pay the bus, buy clothing and other basic stuff. I entered a program from the government, they were giving photography classes for only 20 people. I was lucky to get on it. We just had to go to classes, they gave us all the materials to study, a development laboratory, chemicals, machines, photographic paper, one good teacher. I finished it, and I got a certificate for my studies.
I continued having different jobs, then my sister told me she wanted to help me to get a university degree. She helped me with it and I decided to study graphic design. I was studying during the day, from 7 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday. I had a class on Saturday morning at 7 am. At the same time, I had a job as a waitress, my work schedule from Thursday to Saturday : 6 pm to 3 am, Sunday from 11 am to 7 pm. I did my homework in what little free time I had, lol. The day after I graduated, I got a call from another place to work as a waitress for a better salary, working from Tuesday to Sunday during the day, my day off was usually Monday. I did not have time for anything, my work schedule was between 11-13 hours, more money, less time.
During that time of my life, I had a relationship of 10 years. When I finished the university, I moved to live with him, my salary was for our expenses. Suddenly a lot of stuff happened at the same time. I lost my job and I moved to live with my sister, she found me a job being an assistant in a studio for cam girls. Thats when I started watching what cam girls do, how much they get paid and I wanted to do that also. My first step was to learn English. I didn't finish my lessons, I stopped studying when I felt I was ready to talk with a person in English. I watched a lot of models camming, but it is a waste of time to copy their ideas and watch them. I am unique, nobody is like me. I decided to just be myself.
I was so shy when I started camming, I made a lot of mistakes, which is good, you learn from it. After two years, I was doing much better. That is when I started making my dream come true; traveling. Camming in Colombia made me decide between two options, be the woman a guy want to stay with or make my dreams come true. Some people judge me without knowing what I do online, and they really don't have idea of how happy I am. It is not easy to find someone who is comfortable with life choice I made. Yeah, I am naked on the internet and it feels great to share who I am and my sexuality.
I am my own boss. I met a lot of wonderful people that are now a part of my life, I have a group of friends who tip me because they appreciated me, love me. They know they can count on me and I can count on them. I show my appreciation to each and everyone. It is not just about the money. There are members I met in person. Some of them aren't big tippers and we are good friends. Some of them leave, fall in love with another woman or just get tired of how I take refuge in myself. They can count on me when they want to be back in my life.
I can continue making my dream come true, traveling and working and it is wonderful :)
When I finished school, the responsibility for my parents finished. They didn't have enough money to pay for a university degree. I have two sisters, I never imagined I was going to enter to a university. I had a lot of jobs. What I was getting paid, wasn't enough to continue my education. It was enough for pay the bus, buy clothing and other basic stuff. I entered a program from the government, they were giving photography classes for only 20 people. I was lucky to get on it. We just had to go to classes, they gave us all the materials to study, a development laboratory, chemicals, machines, photographic paper, one good teacher. I finished it, and I got a certificate for my studies.
I continued having different jobs, then my sister told me she wanted to help me to get a university degree. She helped me with it and I decided to study graphic design. I was studying during the day, from 7 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday. I had a class on Saturday morning at 7 am. At the same time, I had a job as a waitress, my work schedule from Thursday to Saturday : 6 pm to 3 am, Sunday from 11 am to 7 pm. I did my homework in what little free time I had, lol. The day after I graduated, I got a call from another place to work as a waitress for a better salary, working from Tuesday to Sunday during the day, my day off was usually Monday. I did not have time for anything, my work schedule was between 11-13 hours, more money, less time.
During that time of my life, I had a relationship of 10 years. When I finished the university, I moved to live with him, my salary was for our expenses. Suddenly a lot of stuff happened at the same time. I lost my job and I moved to live with my sister, she found me a job being an assistant in a studio for cam girls. Thats when I started watching what cam girls do, how much they get paid and I wanted to do that also. My first step was to learn English. I didn't finish my lessons, I stopped studying when I felt I was ready to talk with a person in English. I watched a lot of models camming, but it is a waste of time to copy their ideas and watch them. I am unique, nobody is like me. I decided to just be myself.
I was so shy when I started camming, I made a lot of mistakes, which is good, you learn from it. After two years, I was doing much better. That is when I started making my dream come true; traveling. Camming in Colombia made me decide between two options, be the woman a guy want to stay with or make my dreams come true. Some people judge me without knowing what I do online, and they really don't have idea of how happy I am. It is not easy to find someone who is comfortable with life choice I made. Yeah, I am naked on the internet and it feels great to share who I am and my sexuality.
I am my own boss. I met a lot of wonderful people that are now a part of my life, I have a group of friends who tip me because they appreciated me, love me. They know they can count on me and I can count on them. I show my appreciation to each and everyone. It is not just about the money. There are members I met in person. Some of them aren't big tippers and we are good friends. Some of them leave, fall in love with another woman or just get tired of how I take refuge in myself. They can count on me when they want to be back in my life.
I can continue making my dream come true, traveling and working and it is wonderful :)
cam girl,
domingo, 12 de febrero de 2017
Open my cam bb
Privates, those minutes you share with a person and which you will never forget. Every person is a world, I had some memorable privates with members, accidents and fails. These examples are taken out of context:
1. A member was looking at me from his office. I don't remember what I was doing at the time. He decided to take me in private. He requested me to open his cam. He then closed the door of his office, took a pillow from the couch and put it on the floor next to the door. Then he went for his laptop, lowered his pants down to his knees and sat on the pillow leaning against the door. He was masturbating while looking at me, when suddenly somebody pushed the door partially and looked inside, this person told him something while he ran to turn off his computer.
2. I will never forget this guy. He asked me a lot of questions. He told me he wanted to come to my country to meet me in person. It was his first time in my room. He came into my room like three times after this. He took me to private, and when I opened his cam, I asked him if he could show me his room because it was peculiar. The walls and curtains color were pink.The furniture is old style with a single bed, and in the background there was a collection of old and different sizes of dolls, none of them were dressed. The dolls looked dirty, some with their eyes damaged. This guy in front of his dolls being part of the scene. Everything was dirty and old.It looked like a scene from a horror movie and there I was, with a poker face, trying to enjoy the private.
3. One of those guys who tip for opening his cam while I am in public chat. I was making my poker face while I was watching this. He had something made of metal tied to his balls and penis. He was pulling it and asking me if I liked that. Then he turned around and showed me his ass. He took one anal toy and put it inside him. I stopped looking after that, lol.
4. This guy, he paid me for opening his cam while I was in public chat. He told me to put my clothes on to take me in private, which I did. When the private started, he showed me the place where he was. It was a big house with a garden. He was in a family party. I made them believe I knew him and I was his friend. He showed me all the people around, then he tried to be sneaky and went straight to the bathroom. He took off his clothes, and so did I. Then he sat on the floor leaning against the toilet. I could hear people knocking on the door while we were busy. He was yelling at them to make them go away.
5. This happened to me twice. Usually I have cramps before my period start. I feel pain first, and one or two hours later, I start bleeding. Around those days I feel so horny. One guy took me to private. I was enjoying myself when he told me to stop. When I looked down, I saw my blood. He closed the private and he never came back. The second time it was in public chat. That day when I logged off, I cried a lot. It made me feel so bad, because it is so uncomfortable, I mean, it is not how a person make you feel, it is just how my body react during those days.
6. One guy took me to private and his first request, open my cam bb. There was his girlfriend laying in bed.His intention was to get a threesome.It made him happy turning her on. He told me to turn her on. Just imagine this situation, trying to turn on a person who is straight and from your same gender. In situations like this, I don't know what to do, I just did what I do normally. Maybe she was jealous to share him with another girl, I'm just guessing.
7. One of my regulars, he used to open his cam while I was online. He likes it when I watch him. He just works on his computer, no nakedness, no masturbating. I don't open many cams while I am in public chat, only one and I watch it. For him it was normal to open the cam, once he forgot he was having his camera on. I saw him arguing with his wife :O
We have so many request from members, each person is completely different. I bet other models can tell some crazy stories too, I would like to hear them.
sábado, 4 de febrero de 2017
Pleasure objects
The girls who say I never masturbate, well, did u get a shower? It is not intentional when you start to feel some pleasure rubbing your pussy, all of us masturbate in different ways. It is not a taboo anymore, so now I feel free to talk about my own experience.
My mother was so busy working during my childhood, and while I was teenager that she didn't take the time to explain us how to explore and take care of our own sexuality. I learn a lot of things from television, friends and exploring myself while I was teenager. I had a tv in my room, it was supposed my time for sleep was 9 pm, but I was awake late to see the tv shows of adults with the sound off. When I was 12 years I started humping pillows, arm chairs and I had pleasure doing it. At 14 years one guy asked me if I was virgin, I didn't understand the question and a female friend responded for me, she explain me what it means. My first kiss was at 15 years, so different the time when I grow up than the actual life of teenagers.
My mother was so busy working during my childhood, and while I was teenager that she didn't take the time to explain us how to explore and take care of our own sexuality. I learn a lot of things from television, friends and exploring myself while I was teenager. I had a tv in my room, it was supposed my time for sleep was 9 pm, but I was awake late to see the tv shows of adults with the sound off. When I was 12 years I started humping pillows, arm chairs and I had pleasure doing it. At 14 years one guy asked me if I was virgin, I didn't understand the question and a female friend responded for me, she explain me what it means. My first kiss was at 15 years, so different the time when I grow up than the actual life of teenagers.
I grow up in a religious country, in the school we were not having a class about sexuality, the government decide which classes we are going to see in school. I had a class of it the last two years of high school, it was between my 16-17 years, but the class was about reproductive system and planning methods. Don't judge me for learn all the sexuality information so late, I was not the good looking girl in the school. When I started my sexual life, I noticed I don't like when a guy do fingering to me, it hurt me. My opinion is not based from one guy, I don't feel pleasure when a guy touch my pussy with his fingers, probably there are another girls who doesn't like it either.
When I started camming is when I started using dildos and vibrators, I think the perfect dildo doesn't exist still. I try to buy a different one every time I can, but with diferent materials and textures. I saw when some dildos of different materials are together, some of them melt. How can something like that be safe to put inside your body?
I love vibrators, it is a complement with the dildo. There are plenty options for vibrators, the ohmybod, lelo and hitachi. I didn't try a sybian, I bet it is a strong vibration, well it looks like, I didn't see one in person. I know some guys love to see us just playing with dildos, but when I use a vibrator, it feels like when someone give you oral pleasure matching with penetration. The bad thing about it is, if I use it so much, I lost my sensibility. Like I am still looking for the perfect dildo, I do a combination of dildos to get the climax, starting with one soft and small, then I use the next size a little harder and at the end one glass dildo. The glass dildo doesn't give me the option to change position, because it is not flexible. If you are traveling, a pillow will be effective always!! :D
What is your favorite object?. Is there something I should try without hurt myself or getting an infection?
sábado, 28 de enero de 2017
The hungry ones
I consider myself a good friend. I love helping people with their goals, sometimes I don't expect to receive a part of money when I work with another model, if she pay me , cool!! I mean if it is just for fun, it depends of what we do. I try to take part of my time to share with them outside of cam, give them advice and recommendations, I said the truth when they asked me something. I can't complain about how I do it camming, I don't consider myself the best cam model, I try to do my best, it give me enough for live decent and get a part for travel, not with luxury, I am a backpacker.
I can't be the kind of person who say lies to a member to get tips, I saw a lot of hearts broken for it. I think in the person who is in the other side, it is a person like me, hoping to get and find love, company. It is cruel when someone give you illusions and then when they can't handle all the lies, they have to say the truth without think in the consequences.
This is my job, I depend on it. I can say the lies are not necessary, your friends will support you no matter if you have a boyfriend, husband, girlfriend. I love each one of my regulars and they know how I am. We are adults and we take our own decisions when we write something on internet. I don't blame the models who say lies to members to get tips, they have the mistake to think thats necessary to get money to eat, sometimes when models cam together they meet the members of the other model and their hunger for money makes them forget the friendship and honesty.
I saw it lots of times, models who jump in our friends for tips, some who prefer to lost a good friend thinking they can be owners of a member. I have bad days too like all of you, but I prefer to be away from the hungry people. Members are not innocent either, they take their decision about where they want to spend time, they know inside their hearts what's the truth. they should not repeat the same mistakes either.
I am happy I have great friends on MFC, they love me and accept me how I am. I'm happy to get in my life a lot of good girls who love to help and support each other, when they are happy to see you are doing good, without jealousy or envy, I have good friends now and I am happy to take the decision to be away of the hungry ones.
If a person follow you , it is because that person love you.
I can't be the kind of person who say lies to a member to get tips, I saw a lot of hearts broken for it. I think in the person who is in the other side, it is a person like me, hoping to get and find love, company. It is cruel when someone give you illusions and then when they can't handle all the lies, they have to say the truth without think in the consequences.
This is my job, I depend on it. I can say the lies are not necessary, your friends will support you no matter if you have a boyfriend, husband, girlfriend. I love each one of my regulars and they know how I am. We are adults and we take our own decisions when we write something on internet. I don't blame the models who say lies to members to get tips, they have the mistake to think thats necessary to get money to eat, sometimes when models cam together they meet the members of the other model and their hunger for money makes them forget the friendship and honesty.
I saw it lots of times, models who jump in our friends for tips, some who prefer to lost a good friend thinking they can be owners of a member. I have bad days too like all of you, but I prefer to be away from the hungry people. Members are not innocent either, they take their decision about where they want to spend time, they know inside their hearts what's the truth. they should not repeat the same mistakes either.
I am happy I have great friends on MFC, they love me and accept me how I am. I'm happy to get in my life a lot of good girls who love to help and support each other, when they are happy to see you are doing good, without jealousy or envy, I have good friends now and I am happy to take the decision to be away of the hungry ones.
If a person follow you , it is because that person love you.
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