domingo, 10 de diciembre de 2017


When I opened a Facebook account for the first time, I was at university. At that time it was something new in my country. I had some of the best teachers there, so they taught us what was new around the world. The first people I added were my partners in class, we really had no idea that was going to become so popular and we didn't understand the objective of the site at that moment.

Several years later, almost everybody had Facebook. The concept to share and contact people from around the world was easy. Friends that I can't see every day or when they are in one adventure and share it there, or show how much fun you had in one day was so fun. Then the idealist and political comments started. I saw family members arguing over political differences. When they started to add more stuff on Facebook such as emoticons and mood of the day, it became worse. Everyone exposing their feelings and emotions in public, so much drama around political opinions and being tagged in religious pictures. It was enough to make me stop sharing so much on it.

I stopped writing there and just shared music videos or pictures of trips. Some of my followers on Facebook never gave a like, or post a comment.  They had a false opinion of me because they only saw what I posted on Facebook. Some started writing gossip or horrible comments about what I shared. Just guessing how I obtained the money to start traveling. Some people can't believe you can do it on your own, or think traveling is so expensive. But it really depends on how luxurious you like to travel. Only a few of you know what kind of places I stayed at during my trips, but of course, I didn't share pictures of it on Facebook. It happened once that a member found that Facebook account. I had started being a cam model and he was a regular at the time. I never told him my name. Then he just suddenly started to say 'Hi' and call me by my name in private message. It was annoying. The negative reactions of some people and the bad comments bored me to the point that I decided to close my Facebook account.

About one year later, someone I was dating wanted to show me to his family and made me open an account again. So that time I only added my close friends and family members. The relationship didn't work out and I started being bored of Facebook again, unrelated to the breakup. I really don't care about the political opinions of the people who put comments there, it is boring. Each of us has our own opinions and you are not changing the mind of anybody. Being a critic doesn't help, the only thing that matters in politic is what you do or did to make a change.

About exposing our everyday life in pictures or comments: I can say there are people who share their whole day just like how I do it on Snapchat hahaha. We don't need to ask someone if they broke up with their boyfriend or girlfriend, we just notice how those pictures disappear. I did that too. Showing the things we have, get, believe and gain. Nobody really cares, they don't have to talk to you because they see everything there. You are just feeding to the gossip. Some people stop talking to you because you share so much on there. There are other people who just quietly spy on you, like a creepy stalker.

I think Facebook has those rules of not posting pictures of women's nipples because the kids can have access to them and all the information you upload there is managed by the police. When you try to leave, it doesn't let you do it. You still can log on the session and it is like you never left. The same is true for all the information you uploaded there, you think you erased it but it is still there, saved somewhere. Everything you upload, it is saved on the internet. When I left Facebook, I quit Messenger too. Before I decided to close myself, there was a friend of mine that had decided to quit Facebook. But she hadn't closed Messenger. I told her that I see her on Facebook like she never left. She didn't know that if you continued to use Messenger, it automatically opens Facebook without your permission.

I can say my life is so much happier without Facebook. I lost so much time on there. I was used to opening it in the morning before getting out of bed. Showing my life to people who really don't care about me. After I closed Facebook, it acted like a filter on my followers, and it made obvious who actually cared about me and who didn't. The people who really care about me, they talk with me by phone.

Each one of us is responsible for our privacy and what we decide to expose. I am not the best example because I am a cam model, my life is public. I actually have a Facebook account but I haven't uploaded pictures of me in a long time. I don't use it much. I have a few of my close friends there just to keep in contact when they don't have another social media site, or to send us lives in Candy Crush. You are not missing anything from there.

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